What Really Happened To The Backlink Checker

Search Engine Optimization

What Really Happened To The Backlink Checker

06/30/2022 12:00 AM by Digital Drop Servicing in

 If you're looking for ways to improve your website's search engine rankings, one of the best things you can do is build a strong backlink profile. But how can you tell if your site has any backlinks, and who's linking to you?

With our free Backlink Checker, you can easily find all this information and more. Not only does this backlink checker work for your sites, but it can also help you find out all of your competitors' backlinks as well. A powerful auto link checker which can look for your links in numerous directories and databases, and it also shows you a list of websites linking.

Backlink Checker Usage: A Step-by-Step Guide

For competent promotion in search engines, you should pay attention to many factors. One significant factor is the quality and quantity of backlinks. Search engines recommend that you remove links to low-quality and toxic sites from your site. Otherwise, you can get penalized by the search engine and fall under sanctions. Then you'll lose potential traffic and customers for your site, and you'll fall out of search results.

We have developed a free Backlink Checker test tool to perform a thorough backlink audit of your website. The main purpose of our tracker software is to check backlinks and look up the backlink profile of any URL.

Well, our new analyzer tools are very easy to use. Using our website site checker. the site will show you how you can do a backlink scan and analysis on your website in two simple steps.

Step 1: Insert your URL

Enter the URL page that interests you in our tool. It can be your site or those of your competitor domain. Here is the link for inserting your URL to check backlink https://digitaldropservicing.com/backlink-checker Then click on the arrow button and start analyzing.

Step 2: Interpreting the Free Backlink Checker Results

After the scan is complete, you will view a detailed report on the status of backlinks. There will be both dofollow and nofollow links and the total backlinks and referring domains. Analyze this information and get rid of low-quality backlinks so as not to harm the promotion of your site in search engines. You can even download yours and competitive results.

Remember that backlinks are necessary for SEO. Quality links can help you in the race for traffic with your competitors. With a free backlink rating scanner tool, you can effortlessly review backlinks.

Cases When Backlink Checker is Needed

Backlinks to your site let search engines know that other sites think your site is authoritative. If many good sites link to your site, the search engine considers your site good and gives you more search engine rankings. If your content is linked to, your site is useful to users and can be shown in the search engine for user generator queries. Getting backlinks has a positive effect on your site's opportunities and the amount of user traffic.

So, when can you benefit from using a backlinks site development strategy? You can make money from external links, but it will take a lot of time. For building a site's link profile, you must determine useful content that users will want to share on their social networks, on their sites. Only quality text content attracts the attention of users and owners of other sites.

How can you get links? Create useful data and content, and the backlinks will find you. Exchange links with your partners. Write guest posts and offer them to the editors of popular sites. Many websites creator are glad to accept quality content and link to your site absolutely free with your keyword anchor! Another option is buying links. Even in this option, you need to track specific websites.

You need to check the quantity and quality of backlinks because not all of them are equally useful for your site. It happens that competitors may buy links to your site from low dr score quality and bad and spam resources to harm the promotion of your site. Backlinks from reputable and no spammy resources will benefit you and positively influence your search engine ranking. You get user incoming traffic while users will follow the link to your site. Also, even if they don't, you'll get link weight. Get mentions on reputable sites and increase your site's ranking in search engine rankings.

To rank high in search engine results and get more organic traffic to your website, you are advised to monitor the quantity and quality of your linkbacks. Use Backlink finder to analyze your link profile, like you can do it with ahrefs. It is a completely free way to check and analyse backlinks, so don't forget to check your site index regularly with checkers. Analyze not only Backlinks but the entire site!

Conduct a full audit to find out and fix all the site level and page level issues on your website.

How do I find my competitor’s backlinks?

As you analyze your competitors' href backlink buying strategies, you can find useful sites that can place your link as well. Our free checker will help you get this information and use it to bring value to your site.

How many types of backlinks are there in SEO?

Backlinks are links on other sites that point to your site. Search engines analyze the count and quality of inbound links that lead to your site. Your ranking is directly related to the quality of your backlinks. The more (quality) backlinks you have, the more you can get ranked by search engines. Google and other search engines analyze every best backlink and take good links as a reference. As a result, the higher the number of backlinks, the more reliable and useful search engines will consider your website. And, ultimately, the better your ranking.

How does a backlink work?

A backlink transfers a very tiny link weight from one website to another.

Factors That Influence Backlinks

Now that you understand what backlinks are exactly, it's time to discuss what backlink factors influence your search ranking.

Remember this one important thing about backlinks: they're a vote of confidence from another site.

Therefore, authoritativeness plays a large role in whether a backlink will help or harm your rankings.

If you're lucky enough to get a backlink from another site, your rankings should increase if it demonstrates expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. This is known as Google's E-A-T, which is one of many factors used for ranking.

The SEO company Moz developed a rating system from 0 to 100 called Domain Authority that can you help better understand the authoritativeness of another website. While Domain Authority is not part of the Google algorithm, it can help you do research.

What are other factors affecting backlinks?

It's better to get a dofollow link over a nofollow link. This means that Google will include the backlink in their SEO ranking.

Anchor text is another factor. You might think that selecting anchor texts is random but the fact is you want to pick them based on your strategy. There are a dozen different types of anchor text and you'll want to use a natural mix of them all.

And the last thing to consider is whether a backlink is high-quality or relevant. Using spammy links can actually hurt your rankings.

Why Are Backlinks Important?

Backlinks are important for any online business because they serve as a vote of confidence. Other sites can recommend your business by using a backlink.

Google will reward you for getting high-quality backlinks and your referral traffic will begin to increase as more online users are directed to your site.

While not much is known about the Google algorithm, it's clear that backlinks are one of the most important ranking factors. They are the hardest to get but come with a significant SEO bump.

If your website is brand new or you want to revamp your SEO, backlinks should be part of your comprehensive SEO strategy.

Start off by finding high-performing keywords, producing more content, and optimizing your pages, but set backlinks as a long-term goal.

What To Do With The Results

After using our FREE Backlink Checker Tool, you'll need a strategy on how to use all of the data to benefit your website. What should you do next?

First, take note of where your competitors get their top backlinks. If they all come from a specific review site or blog, you may be able to contact them directly and see if you can get a backlink from them as well.

But, even knowing what types of sites give the most backlinks can help you find others to try. Studying the anchor text used can also be helpful because it'll tell you what kind is the most effective in your industry.

Getting backlinks is not easy. Sometimes they happen organically without you realizing it, but other times it takes hundreds of cold emails to websites before one will agree to include your backlink in their content.

After the report loads, you'll be able to see every website that is linking to your website. And remember, links are good! In Google's eyes, links act as a vote and the more votes your website has, the higher it can rank in the search engines.

Simply put, backlinks are links created when one website links to another. There are several different kinds of backlinks and they are very important to SEO.  

That is exactly what this tool is meant to do. Just enter your site and our tool will calculate all the backlinks your site currently has!


For competent promotion in search engines, you should pay attention to many factors. One significant factor is the quality and quantity of backlinks. Search engines recommend that you remove links to low-quality and toxic sites from your site. We have developed a free Backlink Checker test tool to perform a thorough backlink audit of your website. Using this tool you can see how you can do a backlink scan and analysis of your site in two simple steps.

Backlinks let search engines know that other sites think your site is authoritative. If many good sites link to your site, the search engine considers your site good and gives you more search engine rankings. Backlinks from reputable and no spammy resources will benefit you and positively influence your search engine ranking. Use Backlink finder to analyze your link profile, as you can do with ahrefs. A backlink checker is a completely free way to check and analyse backlinks.

Search engines analyze the count and quality of inbound links that lead to your site. The more (quality) backlinks you have, the more you can get ranked by search engines. Google and other search engines analyze every best backlink and take good links as a reference.