What You Need to Know Before Choosing a Keyword Research Tool

Search Engine Optimization

What You Need to Know Before Choosing a Keyword Research Tool

02/23/2023 12:00 AM by Digital Drop Servicing in


Keyword research is one of the most important steps in building a website. It's also one of the more difficult processes to master, which is why many people turn to keyword research tools as an alternative. But with so many options out there, how do you know which tool will be best for your needs? We've put together a list of six factors that will help you make an informed decision about which tool is right for your business:

1. What you're looking for and where you're going to get it

The first thing you need to do is make sure that your keyword research tool is going to be able to help you with the types of keywords that are relevant for your business. There are a lot of tools out there, but some are better than others at finding the right kind of information that can help your website get more traffic and sales.

If all goes well, these types of questions should be answered:

  • What am I looking for? This may seem obvious, but it's important to know exactly what kind of information you want from this tool so that when it comes time to use one, there aren't any surprises or unexpected outcomes (like paying more than expected). Think about what kinds of things would make sense for both users and search engines alike when they visit one page or another on your website--the answer could be anything from "best practices" articles about SEO strategies used by other businesses like yours who were successful using them; popular trends in social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter; how much money was raised during last year's Black Friday weekend sales event...anything! Just remember not everyone shares their secrets freely online because some companies have patents pending so they don't want anyone else replicating their work without permission first (so don't copy other people's ideas verbatim).

2. The size of the data set

The size of the data set will affect the accuracy of the results. The larger the data set, the more accurate they will be. This is because there are more keywords to choose from and thus more information about each one.

On the flip side, if there aren't enough keywords in your search result (for example, if you're looking at only 50 results), then your research won't be as reliable because there isn't enough information available for each keyword on that list.

3. The depth and breadth of the data set

The depth and breadth of a keyword research tool's data set are also important to consider. The depth of the data set refers to how many results it returns, whereas the breadth refers to how many different sources it uses when searching for keywords. The more sources it uses, the better your results will be--and vice versa!

A good rule of thumb is that if you want more accurate estimates on search volume and competition, use more sources; if you want quicker, easier-to-process results (and don't care as much about accuracy), then use fewer sources.

4. How easy is it to understand the results?

  • How easy is it to understand the results?

Whether you're a novice or an expert, how easy it is to understand the results can be a big factor in choosing a keyword research tool. If you want to compare different keywords and see which ones work best for your business, then it's essential that you can easily spot the differences between them--and that means not having to dig through tons of data on every single keyword search result page. In addition, if there are certain settings you want to tweak when running a search (such as location), having an intuitive interface where these changes can be made quickly will save time and energy later on when analyzing your findings.

5. Does the tool provide you with actionable insights?

  • Does the tool provide you with actionable insights?

Actionable insights are those that can be used to improve your site and increase its traffic. The more actionable an insight is, the better. A keyword research tool that does not produce any actionable insights is not worth using because it's essentially useless to you as a business owner or marketer.

Here are some examples of actionable keyword research tools:

6. How accurate is it?

Accuracy is a big deal when it comes to keyword research tools. The most accurate tool will provide you with the most relevant data, which means that your money and time are being spent wisely.

If a keyword tool can't provide accurate results, then what's the point? You might as well just wing it and hope for the best!

There are a number of different tools available that can help you find keywords that will drive traffic to your site.

There are a number of different tools available that can help you find keywords that will drive traffic to your site. Some of these tools include:


This is a very subjective topic, and there are many different opinions on what makes a good keyword research tool. The best thing you can do is try out some of the different options available and see which one works best for your needs. There are also several different types of tools that offer different features--some will only give you keyword suggestions while others will also provide data about search volume or competition level so that you can make more informed decisions when choosing which keywords will drive traffic to your site!