Your IP Address Information

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My IP Address

Your IP
City Columbus
Region Ohio (OH)
Country United States of America
Country Code US
Latitude 39.9625
Longitude -83.0061

About My IP Address

An Internet Protocol Address (IP) is a special address or identification number that a computer uses to identify itself and connect to other devices over an IP network. Each computer connected to an IP network has to have a different IP address inside that network. Similar to a street address or mobile number, an IP address is only used to identify a network device so that emails can be sent or websites can be accessed. You may learn your IP address, city, country, internet service provider, and much more by utilizing our "what is my IP address tool."


I think it's fair to say that IP addresses are not a common topic. They are really among the least used and unorthodox computer-related terminology available.

As a result, you probably don't give your IP address much thought. It is, nonetheless, always quite important to your online lifestyle.

What makes anything significant, you ask?

For starters, without an IP address, you couldn't check your email, know what your pals were up to on social media, or view movies online.

The cause?

You are essentially "making requests" for the web sites whose URLs you click on or type in each time you surf the internet.

Websites like Google, Facebook, YouTube, and  wouldn't know where to deliver the information you seek without your IP address right now. Because that is WHERE these websites transmit the desired information to your computer, it is termed a "address."

IP addresses are important, but it's also important that you KNOW your IP address. There are other causes for this, too (which we will talk about later on down below).

What is My IP address location was developed because of how crucial it is to be aware of your IP address.


Internet Protocol is referred to as "IP." Additionally, "protocol" in this context refers to the rules and policies that control connectivity in computer networks.

A specific collection of digits associated with all of your online actions is referred to as the "address" portion of your IP address.

All of this adds up to an Internet Protocol address, which is a string of distinctive numerical identifiers carried by each device on a network and separated by periods. All computers, routers, modems, printers, switches, and other TCP/IP-based networking hardware are included in this.

No network would be possible without this address, which is the fundamental element around which the networking architecture is based.

When you get online, your Internet Service Provider automatically assigns you an active IP address; it's not something you sign up for (ISP). You cannot access the internet without an active IP address.

Also take notice that machines, not individuals, are given IP addresses.


In conclusion, IP addresses have the following two major functions:

  • They are employed to locate these devices and identify their interfaces in a network of connected devices.
  • Since IP addresses are distinctive identifiers, computers may use them to send and receive data to and from certain computers inside a network. This enables, among other things, the effortless discovery, connection, and information sharing between machines from other networks.

IP address importance is, of course, far more complicated than this. However, we're attempting to keep the "water below the knees" here so that you don't become overwhelmed and instead concentrate on the important information.

IP address versions and types

Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol Version 6 are the two most common IP address versions (IPv6).

The initial version, Internet Protocol Version 4, had a 32-bit number and was created. From class A through class E, it is divided into many classes.

However, Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), which has 128-bit IP addresses, was developed to replace IPv4, which had become overused and somewhat jaded as a result of the rapid expansion of the internet.

Additionally, IP addresses come in two flavors: public and private.

The Internet Engineering Task Force maintains private IP addresses, which are by definition static and reusable. They don't change until network administration causes them to. For your company's or local area network, they act as a permanent Internet address.

Particularly, they are the IP addresses starting with "10.," "172.16," and "192.168."

Public IP addresses, in contrast to private ones, are transient IP addresses since they are dynamic in nature and change often. Each time a computer connects to the Internet, these IP addresses are allocated to that particular machine.

They are essentially taken on loan from a pool of shared IP addresses across several machines. Your computer's IP address is displayed here.

Public IP addresses, in contrast to private ones, are dynamic, meaning they frequently change and are hence transient IP addresses. Each time a computer connects to the Internet, these IP addresses are given to it.

Actually, they are taken from a pool of IP addresses that are distributed across several machines. This is the IP address that your computer uses to make and receive requests over the Internet.
Since every public or dynamic IP address is distinct from every other one in the globe, they cannot be the same.


For a computer to connect online, an ISP has to give it a special IP address. The person providing you with internet access is your Internet Service Provider; all of your online activity passes via them and is then sent back to you using your IP address.

These IP addresses are public, as was already indicated. They are all distinctive and subject to alter at any time. In reality, anything as easy as turning your router or modem on and off might cause an IP address to change.

Your computer receives an IP address when you're at home. The IP address you see will differ from the IP address you see at home, a restaurant, or a railway station while you are at a library.

You cannot, then, physically take your IP address with you. Your home IP address, for instance, does not go with you if you take your laptop to a different nation or city. Why? Because you'll be connecting to a separate network when traveling

Your IP address will change continuously when you switch WiFi networks as you go from the airport to your hotel to the neighborhood coffee shop.

The ISPs of the coffee shop, hotel, airport, and other locations quickly assign your laptop these temporary IP addresses.

All of this is plain to observe. Simply visit this website [] the next time you're using your laptop in a café, airport, or local restaurant to find out what IP address you're using.


just what Simply said, My IP location is an effective tool for instantly determining the IP address that has been issued to your computer.

However, the tool also displays the following information in addition to the IP address:

  • a location map for the IP address.
  • Information about the IP host and the location of their IP address, such as the host name, the nation, the area, the city, the latitude and longitude, etc.


just what You only need to visit [] to start using my IP address; nothing more is required.

When you land on the page, the tool will automatically gather all of the data specified above and present it to you right away.


Many individuals look up IP addresses for a variety of unique, context-specific reasons. But here are a few of the most typical reasons you might check your IP address:

  • In the interest of security: You want to be certain that your internet connections are secure. Being aware of your IP moves you closer to achieving that.
  • How to get the IP address of a website from which you want to create backlinks The quality of such links will decrease if you have several links originating from websites with the same IP address (common with link networks).
  • For the record, it is OK to have a quick peek at your IP address if you have been using the same computer and internet connection for a long.
  • To check if your computer is transmitting accurate information about you: It's probable that you may receive unsuitable information if your computer sends out incorrect data. Conflict of exchange arises in that area.
  • To be aware of the source of your online activity: Your IP address resembles your mailing address or home address. You wouldn't want to be based in London and have all of your communications and actions "supposed" to come from Toronto, would you?
  • Send this message as a tech support request: A reputable business may occasionally ask for your IP address so that it can better serve you.
  • In order to help you more effectively, a reputable organization may occasionally ask for your IP address. Please transmit this as a request for tech assistance.
  • Additionally, IP addresses are crucial for proxy detection, remote desktop software, and online gaming.

Some explanations for the query "what is my IP?" include those listed above and many more.
Use our "What is My IP" tool to start receiving answers right now.